Video: MTS off a Canon Vixia HG21.
Setup: Linux, working in wine.
Conversion to avi for VirtualDub/AviSynth:
avconv -i 00394.MTS -vcodec libxvid -b 100000k -deinterlace -acodec mp2 -ab 224000 output.avi
Or in parallel:
find ./ -maxdepth 1 -name "*.MTS" -type f | xargs -I@@ -P 8 -n 1 bash -c "filename=@@; avconv -i \$filename -vcodec libxvid -b 100000k -deinterlace -acodec mp2 -ab 224000 \${filename/.MTS/}.avi"
Jenny says, “I had to add the -ac 2 flag for audio”
For .mp4 video:
avconv -i 00394.MTS -vcodec libxvid -b 100000k -deinterlace -acodec mp2 -ab 224000 output.mp4
Or in parallel:
find ./ -maxdepth 1 -name "*.MTS" -type f | xargs -I@@ -P 8 -n 1 bash -c "filename=@@; avconv -i \$filename -vcodec libxvid -b 100000k -deinterlace -acodec mp2 -ab 224000 \${filename/.MTS/}.mp4"
Set up VirtualDub: