Useful AviSynth Functions

I wrote a few useful AviSynth functions for:

  • Automatically integrating videos from different cameras: ConvertFormat(…)
  • import("abarryAviSynthFunctions.avs")
    goproFormat = AviSource("GOPR0099.avi")
    framerate = goproFormat.framerate
    audiorate = goproFormat.AudioRate
    width = goproFormat.width
    height = goproFormat.height
    othervid = AviSource("othervid.avi")
    othervid = ConvertFormat(othervid, width, height, framerate, audiorate)
  • Slowing down video slowly (ie go from 1x -> 1/2x -> 1/4x automatically): TransitionSlowMo(…)
    vid1 = AviSource("GOPR0098.avi")
    # trim to the point that you want
    vid1 = Trim(vid1, 2484, 2742)
    # make frames 123-190 slow-mo, maximum slow-mo factor is 0.25, use 15 frames to transition from 1x to 0.25x.
    vid1 = TransitionSlowMo(vid1, 123, 190, 0.25, 15) 
