By default bash history is bad at sharing between terminals. I want:
And finally, via this post and the comment by Jo Liss, I’m happy:
# Insert into .bashrc # Make sure you remove the existing history lines # Usually: ### # HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth # shopt -s histappend # HISTSIZE=1000 # HISTFILESIZE=2000 ### HISTSIZE=9000 HISTFILESIZE=$HISTSIZE HISTCONTROL=ignorespace:ignoredups _bash_history_sync() { builtin history -a HISTFILESIZE=$HISTSIZE } history() { _bash_history_sync builtin history "$@" } PROMPT_COMMAND=_bash_history_sync if [[ "$-" =~ "i" ]] # Don't do this on non-interactive shells then # Add MATLAB-style up-arrow, so if you type "ca[UP ARROW]" you'll get # completions for only things that start with "ca" like "cat abc.txt" bind '"\e[A":history-search-backward' bind '"\e[B":history-search-forward' fi # OPTIONAL: Keep a second history file forever PROMPT_COMMAND="${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND ; }"'echo $$ $USER \ "$(history 1)" >> ~/.bash_eternal_history'